Page 32 - Lets Talk About EMFs 5G
P. 32

  But you want to just focus on, “Okay, what’s the source or sources to my health issues?” And let’s say it’s Lyme disease. Let’s say it’s heavy metal toxicity. Let’s say it’s mold. Whatever those things are. Then, the question begins. “Okay, so if those are the source or sources to my health issue, then where do I need to start? What do I need to start doing today that’s going to get me closer to fixing that?”
And so focusing on the big picture of the source or sources. And then also, too, it’s like okay, well, if Lyme disease or mercury toxicity in the brain, because mercury loves the brain. Aluminum loves the brain, which is again could be headache triggers—but if heavy metals are the thing that you have to detox, great. But what can you do today to help manage that migraine or that headache so that you don’t have to go home from work at lunchtime because you can’t function?
So I always like to go symptom plus source. Yep. Yep. And just think of it from that way because otherwise when you start digging in and researching and reading, you’re like...It’s almost like the paralysis by analysis. But it’s almost like the paralysis by over information. Like, “I just don’t know what to do.”
Erin: Absolutely. But yeah, so you have to start somewhere. But
keep looking, too, because you want to know like the root cause
of your Lyme. I’m an engineer by background so we always do root cause. One of the steps that we
do in root-cause analysis is asking “why” five times. They call it the five whys. So you might be affected by Candida. But Candida’s never like a standalone issue.
So you have to ask, “Well, you know, why am I having this? Where is it coming from?” And keep digging
it deeper and maybe charting it
out or something like that just to
prevent overwhelm but don’t give up at the first thing you find. Or just don’t go spend all of your energy chasing the first thing that you find because if you don’t look at the other factors, it’s hard to heal just from that one thing. Like Candida, for example, people will put this
big effort towards overcoming that. And if you don’t look at maybe infections behind that or parasites or heavy metals behind that, they’ll never get better from the Candida itself because it’s just more of a symptom of a deeper problem.
Dr. Jay: Absolutely. Yeah, and
I would agree with you on the candida. The heavy metals, huge link with that. And also, bacteria, fungus, parasites, they all work in synergy. Usually when there’s Lyme disease, there’s other bugs.
When there’s candida, there’s other things to it. And yeah, you can minimize the symptom, but always getting to the source, like you said, is important. So keep asking that “why?” I love that. And the engineer brain, so we can start talking about the neck curve and the 42.23 per ounce. I’m just teasing.
Erin: Absolutely. Well, something nerdy I did want to get into because I know you work with people on genomics more and more now. And that’s like one of these sublevel root causes because if you can pinpoint an issue that’s off there, it can make a huge difference in recovering. So can you just like to kick that off tell us a little bit the difference between genetics and genomics? And why this is an exciting place to start investigating?
Dr. Jay: Yeah, yeah, I love this area because I personally believe that this is the future. And things are advancing so fast that I don’t even think I’m grasping it, let alone where things are going to be in 12 to 18 months. The amount of technology advancement is insane. By the
end of this year, there should be available a full genome analysis for maybe 100 bucks. And right now, like the 23andMe is very popular. As of right now, when we’re doing this recording, they’re on version 4, chip 4 basically. And they’re looking at about 635,000 different pieces of DNA information. Well, that right there is like 635,000. Like, that’s [inaudible].
Erin: Talk about information overload.
Dr. Jay: Yeah, well a full genome
is going to be in the millions,
like maybe 50 million or
something crazy. So it’s going to
be exponential. But things are changing so fast. And I believe the future, especially of like natural healthcare, functional medicine, is looking at the genetics or genomics from more of a lifestyle basis. I like to steer away from what I would consider more disease genetics
or genomics, and focus more on lifestyle.
Like disease genetics or genomics, for instance, would be like, “Oh, you have a six-time increased risk of uterine cancer because you have this gene SNP. Or you’re three times more likely to even have a headache.” And I, from a clinical side, I’m like I’m almost freaked out by knowing that. And I don’t--
Erin: Yeah, a lot of people are as patients, too. They don’t want to think about that.
Dr. Jay: Yeah. So from a practitioner standpoint, I love looking at it from more of a lifestyle, and saying, “Okay, Erin, based on your genetics, what amount of carbohydrates would actually be beneficial for you?” Because there’s diets all over the place. Every year, there’s New York Times’ bestsellers from raw vegan to ketogenic to everything in between. And looking at your own personalized genetics like what

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